Ingredients & Benefits





• High in Minerals such as manganese, magnesium and zinc
• Produces increased Iron levels (By carrying oxygen to the blood,
making red blood cells and supporting the immune system)
• Anti-inflammatory
• Lowers blood pressure
• Improves blood vessel function
To find out more read up on any of these sources: WebMD, Spoon University


• Rich in Potassium
• High in anti-oxidants
• Rich in pectin
• Good for digestive health (Acts as a resistant starch
which escapes digestion and ends up in your large intestine where it
becomes food for the beneficial bacteria in your gut)
• Decreases your chance of a stroke
• Aids in healthy bones as you age
• Improves muscle function
• High in fiber
• High in Minerals such as folate
To find out more read up on any of these sources: WebMD, Medical News Today, Healthline


• High in around 20 Vitamins and Minerals such as Potassium,
Folate, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and Vitamin E
• High in fiber
• Low in sugar
• “Healthy” (monosaturated) fat
• Avocado oil reduces osteoarthritis symptoms
• Aids in healthy digestion
• Aids in healthy blood pressure
• Aids in a healthy heart
• Aids in healthy vision
• Aids in overall health during pregnancy
To find out more read up on any of these sources: WebMD, Medical News Today


• High in Minerals such as Vitamin K, Vitamin C and Manganese, Vitamin B6, Folate
• High in anti-oxidants
• Naturally nutrient rich
• Protectant for artery hardening and blood vessel damage
(Decreases the risk of a heart attack through better artery function)
• Betters cholesterol profile
• Improves brain function (Improving delayed memory loss
through long term retention and the ability to recall more information)
• Increases muscle repair (Triggers adaptive events after a workout)
• Improves bone strength
• Improves skin health
• Improves blood pressure
• Aids in diabetes management
• Improves mental health
To find out more read up on any of these sources: Health, Medical News Today

Sunflower Seeds

• Contains Minerals such as Zinc and Selenium (to support
the Immune system), Vitamin B1, Vitamin E, Magnesium
• Lowers risk of developing high blood pressure or heart disease
• Boosts energy levels
To find out more read up on any of these sources: WebMD, WH Foods

Maca Root

• Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Copper, Iron and Potassium
• High in anti-oxidants
• Aids in reducing blood pressure
• Flavonoids found in Maca reduce the feeling of
anxiety and depression
• Found to boost energy and endurance
• Found to increase libido and fertility as well as aiding in the
reduction of menopause symptoms
To find out more read up on any of these sources: Medical News Today, Healthline


• Decrease LDL cholesterol levels
• Anti-inflammatory
• High in anti-oxidants
• Aids in balancing blood sugar levels
• Promotes healthy aging
To find out more read up on any of these sources: WebMD, Healthline


• High in anti-oxidants
• Anti-inflammatory
• Aids in keeping blood sugar levels steady
• Improves Skin Health
To find out more read up on any of these sources: WebMD, Everday Health


• High in Minerals such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K1,
Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9, Vitamin E, Folic Acid, Iron, Calcium,
Potassium and Magnesium
• High in anti-oxidants
• Aids in healthy blood pressure
• Aids in healthy eyes
• Aids in healthy bones
To find out more read up on any of these sources: Healthline, Medical News Today


• High in Minerals such as Vitamin E , Manganese, Magnesium,
Copper & Vitamin B2
• High in anti-oxidants
• Aids in controlling blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels
• Aid in preventing the oxidative damage which decreases the risk of a variety
of diseases and health problems
• Promotes better bone health
To find out more read up on any of these sources: Healthline, Medical News Today


• Anti-inflammatory
• High in anti-oxidants
• Aids in lowering blood pressure
To find out more read up on any of these sources: WebMD, Medical News Today

Flax Seed

• High in Minerals such as Omega 3, Vitamin B1, Copper,
Magnesium and Phosphorus
• Anti-inflammatory (Reduces joint pain and arthritis)
• High in fiber
• Protective effect against some cancers
• Lowers blood pressure
• Helps prevent the hardening of the arteries which aids to help the
cardiovascular system
• May also aid in managing cholesterol levels
• Improves blood sugar levels
To find out more read up on any of these sources: WebMD, Medical News Today

Chia Seed

• High in Minerals such as Omega 3, Iron, Calcium
• Anti-inflammatory
• High in anti-oxidants
• High in fiber
• Lowers blood pressure and blood sugar levels
• Boosts immune system
• Aids to good heart health
To find out more read up on any of these sources: WebMD, Medical News Today

Pumpkin Seed

• High in Minerals such as Vitamin E Magnesium, Calcium,
Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Omega 3 and Omega 6
• High in anti-oxidants
• Helps lower blood pressure
• Aids in lowering cholesterol
• Decreases the risk of heart diseases
• Good for skin and eye health
To find out more read up on any of these sources: WH Foods, Medical News Today

Raw Honey

* Recommended method of sweetening if required, not currently included.

• Anti-inflammatory
• High in anti-oxidants
• Phytonutrients aid to boost the immune system and have cancer
fighting properties
• Contains some prebiotics which support a healthy gut
To find out more read up on any of these sources: Health, Healthline

Meet the Protein Selection


  • Milk based Protein
  • Complete Amino Acid Protein
  • Most-widely used by Athletes
  • Promotes Muscle Growth
  • Easily absorbed and fast digesting


  • Plan based Protein
  • Easier digestibility than most plant-proteins
  • Promotes muscle growth
  • Good source of iron for those on a vegan diet


  • Connective Tissue based Protein
  • Improved skin health
  • Reduces joint pain and arthritis
  • Improves the integrity of cartilage
  • Good for bone health and strength
  • Promotes heart health


  • Complete Amino Acid profile
  • Good alternative to whey for lactose intolerances
  • Promotes muscle growth
  • Good source of iron
  • Naturally occurring source of creatine

Understanding the

Macro & Calorie


There is some variance on Macro's depending on your protein selection, which is why we provide a range below.



340 ml

448-450 Calories (with water)

Protein: 27 - 29g

Carbs: 34 - 36g

Fats: 21g


500 ml

609-616 Calories (with water)

Protein: 36 - 40g

Carbs: 42.7 - 44.8g

Fats: 30.5g

If you are strict with regards to counting your calories & macros, we'd recommend taking a more conservative approach on either end. This means if you trying to gain weight, assume the minimum numbers, if you're trying to lose weight, assume it's the maximum of the range.