
About Soil-d

 After years of frustration around not having access to convenient, refreshing, nourishing & well-rounded meals; we knew there had to be a simpler way to get one of the 3 big meals of the day in...


The genius behind it all (or concoction-ist as we fondly call him), Brendon - who has struggled with an egg allergy all his whole life - spent much of his time searching for a healthy and nutritious alternative way to start his family’s morning the right way. He started out by looking at a variety of different options, but considering that a nutrient dense, paleo, anti-inflammatory and convenient meal was the main focus; many of the options fell short of meeting their needs.


Brendon then started experimenting with smoothies. A simple, convenient option, but the recipe needed perfecting.


Brendon spent years researching, trying, and testing various combinations and consulting various specialists to ensure that the smoothie he made, met not only his meal goals for himself but also for his wife Kayleigh (find out more about those on the Ingredients & Benefits page).


After introducing it to his co-founders & friends, Rikki & Caley; they immediately fell in love with the quality & convenience of the smoothie. Together they felt that it would be impactful if everyone had access to a solution like this.



                 AHA MOMENT 💭

  soil-d was born!

After recognizing how many people were in a similar situation, dealing with the day-to-day rush and struggling to ensure they got healthy meals in, we believed there was an opportunity to help the community live healthier, more convenient lifestyles. 

So that's what we did, SOIL'D was officially opened for business January 2021, with the mission to empower people to experience more convenient, healthier lives.